News: i decided to use a picture of a globe of the world i got from the website sevencolors.org/category/interesting . i believe its important to follow the news from around the world so that we can learn what we should and should not be doing as a society, well in an ideal world :)
Summer: here is a beautiful picture of a summer sunset in vietnam. i lived in south australia until i was 10 and i hadnt realised how much i missed seeing the sun go down over water until i was in vietnam in january this year (because on the east coast we get to see the sun rise over the ocean not set). so this reminds me of sunny summer days by the beach. . . . . this photo was taken with my Fuji fine pix 3mp digital camera.

Unconventional: there was nothing conventional in the way traffic works in vietnam. and believe me this picture does not do the actual chaos that is the road system over there justice!! it was a total nightmare that seemed to somehow work??? this photo was taken with my Fuji fine pix 3mp digital camera.
University Life: i think that an integral part of uni life is the friendships and social networks that are formed!! these people are part of the psychology students association with me, which is important in bringing people together in a supportive environment to create fun social activities for the whole psychology body as a whole unit (students and academic staff). This photo was taken with my friend Crystal's Sony digital camera.
Hi bec yeah i understand the Vietnam thing we were there in April and its crazy the traffic works there especially right in the middle of Ho chi min city.
aww the kids are so cute! && yeah.. i heard vietnam was packed with traffic everyday.. i've been to china a couple of years ago and china was unbelievable too!!
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