Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Invigorating Day 8

Today we looked at the internet and cyber-democracy. I guess with a title like that it is no wonder we got on to the subject of democracy in a real world sense. This is a subject i feel quite strongly about (especially human rights) and i probably ended up being a bit too involved :)

we started off by defining democracy, and the right of citizens to engage in a democratic political process. Effectively ther are no borders in the internet, therefore maybe it should be considered a nation in its own right, and if so should people vote on a leader or other ideas on the internet??

We then moved on to a group discussion (as with most days :) on various issues of democracy on the internet. Looking at academic censorship amongst other things.

Lastly we watched a you tube movie of a speech by Corey Doctorow based on the 'morals' of the internet and the contradictions that are found. I found him a very passionate speeker, but i found him hard to follow at the start as he spoke really fast and kept looking all round the room. I agreed with his sentiment of mcdonalds toys (that people are paid next to nothing to make these toys that are used to promote a multinational multimillion dollar business!!) and i make a point of not taking my kids to that business's that operate in this way. I also liked the point he made about the music industry turning thousands of our youth (well all people) into criminals or 'black marketeers'. Especially as the music people claim to be looking after the interests of the artists (even though none of the money made by prosecuting people end up with the artists) as well as protecting our kids from losing their morals, coming from an industry which promotes sex, drugs and rock and roll!!!!!!!

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