Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Amazing Day 3

i couldnt attend uni today, however i have read the lecture notes and the notes on my fellow blogger's pages and i feel like i have a general idea on what was discussed (well hopefully :)

I really like how you (Adam) introduce definitions of terms right at the start of each lecture, i feel this helps me to feel less overwhelmed than i otherwise might have, as by the end of the lecture usually my head is spinning :) i had no idea that media was plural to medium!!! i also appreciate how you manage to link in past lectures (like communication and technology, as well as theorists) so we're really developing a strong foundation of knowledge.

i think you then went through the history of media and communication. contrasting america (with socialist influences) with europe. it appears that through the 40's in america mass media had minimal influence but by the 80's it had gained more strength. Once again i like McLuhan and how he believes that "media as technological extensions of the body" and draws on the psychological components (this may be because i am studying psychology!!). i found all the different theorists from europe and america interesting - and how they're theories changed and developed over time by others.

I think new media was then discussed, centering around cyber culture through the 90's. cyberculture studies followed with people looking at individual contexts rather than the internet as a whole separate medium. this then led to critical cyberculture studies such as the social, cultural and economic interactions that take place online :)

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