Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Enjoyable Day 7

Well, i cant really say today was enjoyable as i did not attend!! sometimes life is just tooo busy to fit everything in!! and i can admit i dont like missing lectures, and i now feel very lost :) especially as there was only 1 page of lecture notes and no readings for today. however i will do my best to use the lecture notes and other peoples blogs as a guide.

Today instead of discussing net art and electronic literature (which sort of ruins my plan of using the lecture notes :), you guys looked at electronic music. this was done mainly through videos on you tube and looking at a documentary by Lara Lee titled Modulations which was on the history of electronic music. the you tube videos sound like they were very funny and i wish i had of seen them!!

Noone seems to have done any of the tutorial tasks today, but they seem very similar to the last 2 tasks weve done, so im wondering if i need to do them??

Im wondering if people got their marks back today from the first assessment task of blogging?? im also wondering if the assignment was discussed as further questions were put up on learning @ gu? noone seems to have discussed any of these points in their blogs. this is why i dislike missing lectures, too many questions left unanswered!!! unfortunately i dont think i can come tomorrow either!!! oh no, but i will try, and i can definitely come thurs and fri this week.

1 comment:

metagalactic said...

In case you're interested in the movies I showed:

We watched some more of the Anime Music Videos that were featured as part of Larry Lessig's talk -

"Muppet Hunter" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfsR-XphEWg)

and another anime music video which I showed because it's probably the best example of an AMV that I've ever seen, in terms of the work gone into it:

"I wish I was a Lesbian"

Not really racy but I had to give the adult themes warning... :)